Retail Loss Prevention Strategies that Work
Business managers are aware of the cost of shrinkage on a profit sheet. But they may not be familiar with the retail loss prevention strategies...Loss Prevention Statistics
When you view loss prevention statistics, it is clear theft poses a major issue for all companies, regardless of size. Armed with knowledge and modern...Retail Cost-Cutting Strategies You Can Use
If a retail business wants to improve profitability, they typically focus on the revenue side. But other retail cost-cutting strategies may create more meaningful results...Business Intelligence in Data Mining
The arrival of big data has fueled business intelligence efforts. While business owners readily toss around buzzwords in this area, many seem to be confused...Profit Loss: The Tip of the Iceberg
Profitability is the key to success for any business. When you consider 82% of all businesses fail due to poor or negative cash flow, profit loss...Using POS Data to Make Educated Business Decisions
Making tough business decisions is rarely simple. But using POS data from the system you have in place will help you better understand trends...Creating a Better Customer Experience to Increase Sales
Business owners and managers seeking ways to increase sales would be wise to focus on creating a better customer experience. At a time when consumers...Constructing a Restaurant Loss Prevention Checklist
Creating a restaurant loss prevention checklist is critical for the success of your company. Every year businesses lose millions due to customer and employee theft....Technology Upgrades Benefits Franchises
To an outsider, a busy franchise location might appear to be a gold mine generating fantastic profits, but most franchise owners know better. While sales...DIGIOP Reveals Improper Inventory Management
Inventory loss (also known as inventory shrinkage) costs the American retail industry over $45 billion annually*. Improper inventory management is a key component of inventory...Buyer’s Guide: HD-Analog or IP Video Surveillance Cameras
Is there really a right answer to the question “which cameras are right for my business—HD-Analog or IP cameras?” The short answer is yes. However,...
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